Authors and Editors
Nancy Berlinger MDiv, PhD (Consulting Editor)
Research Scholar, The Hastings Center. Field of specialisation: Healthcare Ethics, Treatment Decision-Making and End-of-Life Care, Ethics Policy
Jacqueline Chin BA, BPhil, DPhil (Editor-in-Chief)
Associate Professor and Acting Director, Centre for Biomedical Ethics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. Field of specialisation: Moral Philosophy, Bioethics
Michael C. Dunn BA, MA, PhD (Associate Editor)
Lecturer, The Ethox Centre, Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford. Field of specialisation: Bioethics.
Michael K. Gusmano MA, PhD (Associate Editor)
Research Scholar, The Hastings Center, and Associate Professor, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Field of specialisation: Healthcare Equity, Health Policy, Politics.
Keith Lee MBA (Victoria University), Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing) (University of Sydney)
Director, Health and Senior Care, Family and Caregiver Support, AWWA. Field of specialisation : Healthcare Management.
Christopher Lien MBBS (S’pore), MRCP (UK), FRCP (Edin), FAMS, MPA (Harvard)
Senior Consultant Geriatrician, Director, Community Geriatrics, Changi General Hospital. Field of specialisation: Geriatric Medicine.
Lim Sia Hoe BA Hons (Economics), Master in Public Administration
Senior Trainer & Curriculum Developer, Centre For Seniors. Field of specialisation: Aged Care and Training.
Lim Tow Keang MBBS (Distinction), MMed (Internal Medicine), FAMS (Respiratory Medicine), Fellow Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh & London
Senior Consultant, Division of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, University Medicine Cluster
National University Hospital. Field of specialisation: Internal Medicine, Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
Lo Chue Har Bachelor of Nursing
Senior Trainer & Curriculum Developer, Centre For Seniors. Field of specialisation: Aged Care and Training.
Peh Kim Choo Social Work and Counselling
Chief Executive Officer, Director, Hua Mei Centre for Successful Ageing. Field of specialisation: Social Work and Counselling.
Ravinder Singh Sachdev MBBS (S’pore), MRCGP (UK), MSc Health informatics (Sheffield), DRCOG, CPHIMS
Dy Chief Medical Informatics Officer, Associate Consultant, Department of Continuing & Community Care, Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Field of specialisation : Family Medicine, Geriatric Medicine.
Kenny Tan MBBS, EMBA, MEd, MCouns, GDOM, Grad DipCS
Chief Executive Officer, St Luke’s ElderCare Ltd. Field of specialisation: Community Care.
Marcus Tan Zhongqiang MBBS (Singapore), MMed (Psychiatry)
Consultant, Dept of Geriatric Psychiatry, Institute of Mental Health. Field of specialisation: Geriatric Psychiatry.
Wang Jing BA Psychology
Assistant Director and Senior Counsellor, Counselling and Social Work Practice, Hua Mei Centre for Successful Ageing. Field of specialisation: Gero-counselling, instrumental in setting up the para-counselling programme.
Philip Yap MBBS (Singapore), MRCP (UK)
Senior Consultant, Dept of Geriatric Medicine, Clinical Director, Geriatric Centre, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital. Field of specialisation: Geriatric Medicine.