Displaying: Patient Preferences

Backgrounder Case Study

Mrs Kuan

This case concerns a middle-aged professional and parent with metastatic cancer for whom potentially beneficial, highly expensive treatment has failed. It explores clinical uncertainty over how to discuss the goals of care when few options for effective treatment exist.

Backgrounder Case Study

Mr Lim

This case concerns a middle-aged hawker’s assistant with severe and progressively worsening arthritis who relies on steroids and other anti-inflammatory medications to enable him to continue to work, but is suffering from the chronic and potentially life-threatening side-effects of the long-term … Continue reading

Backgrounder Case Study

Mdm Lee

This case concerns an elderly nursing home resident with advanced Alzheimer’s disease who, while she was competent, completed an advance care plan that documented her explicit refusal of artificial nutrition and hydration.  Confusion and family conflict arise after a staff … Continue reading

Backgrounder Case Study

Mr Shi

This case concerns an elderly retired businessman who has long been concerned that he would develop Alzheimer’s disease, who had expressed general preferences about his future medical care to his eldest son, and who has now developed some memory problems. … Continue reading

Backgrounder Case Study

Mr Yung

This case concerns a middle-aged professional and parent in a minimally-conscious state, his wife’s emotional and practical challenges in making decisions on behalf of her catastrophically injured spouse, family conflict, and the responsibilities of the healthcare team.

Backgrounder Case Study

Mdm Wu

The case concerns an elderly retired teacher with decision-making capacity who leaves decision-making to her eldest son after she declines surgery to repair a fractured hip. Conflict erupts between the eldest son, who lives overseas, and his sister, who is … Continue reading